Merchandise Guidelines
M Bar Logo
This mark must include the stylized capital “M” with a specific, horizontal Maryland-themed flag bar beneath it. Note the required double outline on the “M” and flag pattern in the bar.
On athletics merchandise, the M bar must adhere to the following color combinations or use a one-color logo, unless Trademarks and Licensing has granted special permission.
Logo Example

Allowed Examples
General merchandise can use various colors as long as it follows the one-color format above or has received special permission from Trademarks and Licensing. The following are approved examples:

The “M” portion of the logo may be filled with patterns and textures, as approved by Trademarks and Licensing. Examples include:

Prohibited Examples
The M bar logo may not overlap with anything unless it is being used as pattern in the background or as a transparent mark in the background. Trademarks and Licensing can approve alterations from these rules, under special circumstances.

Terrafont Bar Logos
This all-caps logo includes the word “Terrapins,” “Terps” or “Maryland” over a flag bar.
Logo Example

Prohibited Examples
The verbiage may not be altered, such as in these examples:

“Muscle Testudo” Mascot Logo
This logo features the cartoon version of the university’s mascot, Testudo, holding the letter “M.” No alterations in his stance or what he is holding, wearing, color palette, or his facial expression are permitted without approval from Trademarks and Licensing.
Logo Example

Allowed Examples
Various colors are permitted on general merchandise as long as they follow the one-color format shown in the examples below or have received permission.
The logo may be filled with patterns and textures for special projects, as approved by Trademarks and Licensing. It may not overlap with anything unless it is being used as pattern in the background or as a transparent mark in the background.

Prohibited Examples
It may not be used on athletics-specific products or athletics-inspired items unless it is a youth product or has received special permission from Trademarks and Licensing.

Uniform Numbers
Official jerseys can bear only the number “1” and the academic year. Merchandise cannot use any current Terp athletes’ numbers.
Approved Examples

Caricatures of the live university’s mascot, Testudo, and the muscle Testudo mascot are permitted on a limited basis for special as approved by Trademarks and Licensing.
Approved Examples

Fear the Turtle Mark
“Fear the Turtle” is a rallying cry at the University of Maryland, most closely associated with athletics, but the phrase can be applied anywhere.
Vendors must have a special license to use these marks.
Logo Example

Shell Brand Mark
The stylized turtle shell brand mark, honoring the university’s connection to the native diamondback terrapin, is used primarily as an institutional branding asset. It may not be used on athletics-specific or -inspired merchandise.
Nothing may overlap the shell unless it is in designated rectangle space created by Creative Strategies, a unit in the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Example of Mark

Allowed Examples
Various colors are permitted on general merchandise as long as they follow the one-color format, as shown in the example below, or have received permission.

Prohibited Examples
Nothing may fill the shell without permission from Trademarks and Licensing and Creative Strategies.
Traditions Logo
These heritage marks have been used at different points in the university’s more than 150-year history.
Vendors must have a special license to use these marks. The “traditions” license is at an elevated rate, and approved products can be sold only at campus or local retailers such as the University Bookstore, University Shop and better department stores like Nordstrom and Macy's.
They may not be used with current marks. No alterations are permitted, except with colors. Student groups may not use traditions logos.
Approved Examples
The traditions “block M” is not permitted in yellow.

Restricted Examples
The Terps “script mark” is permitted only in special circumstances.

Other Guidelines
Reference to Byrd Stadium is no longer permitted. The venue’s name is Maryland Stadium.
The permitted acronym for the university is UMD, not UM.
The creation of new or generic M logos is not permitted.
Prohibited Examples

The following mark is no longer permitted. Eventually, it will be added to the Traditions program.

Reference to Byrd Stadium is no longer permitted. The venue’s name is Maryland Stadium.
The permitted acronym for the university is UMD, not UM.
The creation of new or generic M logos is not permitted.
The following mark is no longer permitted. Eventually, it will be added to the Traditions program.
Group Specific Guidelines
All fonts are allowed on merchandise, as approved on a case-by-case basis by Trademarks and Licensing.