Maryland Brand

Campus Signage Guidelines

The placement of any temporary signage on campus requires review by multiple units to ensure that it functions efficiently and intuitively while minimizing visual clutter and maximizing brand consistency. These guidelines pertain to the following temporary signage requests for placement on campus:

  • Campus Building Exterior (this includes residence halls and campus interiors (e.g. windows) when clearly visible from a building exterior)
  • Light Pole Banners
  • Construction Fence Wraps

Permanent signage requests must go through a different process that includes review by the Architecture and Landscape Review Board.

Approval Criteria


Usage of the banners is appropriate and strategic


Physical placement is reasonable and feasible


The provided design and messaging are skillfully applied and adhere to best practices

Messaging Guidelines

  • Be unique to the University of Maryland;
  • Have a universitywide appeal, with a focus on internal audiences (students, faculty, staff);
  • Include no discriminatory, obscene, threatening, violent, harassing, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful language, images, or other content;
  • Commercial advertising; promotion or advertisement of any political candidate, parties or issues; and advertisement or promotion of any one religion; will not be permitted.
  • Refrain from hard calls to action (e.g. learn more, sign up, etc.), URLs or QR codes.

Artwork Guidelines

  • Adhere to campus brand guidelines.
  • Text should be visible starting at a 10-foot distance.
  • Use templates and design systems provided by the Office of Marketing and Communications (OMC) for ease of review and approval (as applicable).


  1. Use of exterior campus signage should be limited. All requests must be routed through your unit-level Communicator and require Dean or Vice President approval.
  2. Following unit-level approval, the requesting unit should submit a request form at least six weeks in advance of the desired install date. A timeframe for take-down must be identified at the time of the request.
  3. Artwork must be reviewed by the Office of Marketing and Communications (OMC) and Facilities Management (FM) to ensure that it functions efficiently and intuitively while minimizing visual clutter and maximizing brand consistency.
  4. The requesting unit should connect directly with the university’s preferred vendor for production and installation coordination and payment. Requesting units must receive artwork approval from OMC before production and installation can occur.

Preferred Campus Vendors

UMD Sign Shop


The University of Maryland has a campuswide contract with Fast Signs Annapolis for light pole banner printing, installation and maintenance.

Kris Zientara

Signage Types